Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The pain is so deep

It hurts so bad
The pain is soo intense 
won't go away
It makes me feel so sad. 

I feel more alone than I have
in a long time.
I don't want to feel this
I don't have much choice.
Gotta work thru the grief.

The grief of 
Why does it feel like this now?
After so much time?
And each time I try to move on...
you are there again. 
Every time I exchange one 
sad memory
for a better one
there you are reminding me of the past.
Wanting me, but not really.
Playing with my mind
my heart.
Twisting my emotions so I feel 
crying and hiding
and when I evaluate my emotions again
All I wanna tell you

but I don't want to feel this anymore.
You ripped my heart apart.
And didn't care.

You allowed others to treat bad,
and didn't defend me.

You said you realized everything to late.
You're right.
I might be crying.
I might be confused.
I might be hurting
remembering you.
But at least I'm not

I'm sooo done with you.
Now how do I get you out of my life?
Blocking you?
Saying so?
somehow you always come back. 

So I guess I'm just gonna pray and hope
with all my heart.
That I can know 200% I am over you. 
That I am done with your drama.
That you are gone.

I'm gonna pray and hope with all my heart...
that I can move on and open my heart to another.
Maybe I won't know till I open my heart to another. 
So thats what I'm doing.
And as you watch me with other guys,
 I hope you remember 
all the good-all you'll miss. 
That I really was the best thing that ever happened to you. 
That I was the only one willing to put up with your crap,
when it really shouldn't have happened.
That I was the only one willing to give you all of my heart.
Fully. 100%.
Not because I didn't haved options.
Not because I was desperate.
Not because I needed you.
But because I chose you.
I loved you.
And I wanted you.
and most of all I truly hope you
never forget...
you are to late.

 And for myself, away from all the heartache
 I'm not gonna forget...
I gave my all
I am worth so much more. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

... almost in tears ... again.

My hearts hurting right now. More than it has in a long time. It's been a hard ... weeks. But today all the little stuff add up, and it hurts. My heart is aching. Really aching. I cry. I pray. Nothing. My heart is sad and I don't know how to stop it... and probably shouldn't. i should just let it work thru it's grief...

One of the hurts, which isn't so big on it's own...
Everytime I meet a guy and we get along great... there is always something that eventually comes up that's wrong. I don't have a ridiculous list. I feel if others can find this then I can to... but it's not happening.

Has Integrity
And at least and inch taller than me

There are plenty of guys who line up with that.. but not into me. The ones into me are the opposite of that. It's getting harder and each time I drop hope.
I don't wanna lose hope. I guess I just feel my hope and excitement rising and it hurts when it drops.

Sigh. I know he's out there... but I'm tired of waiting. Sigh.

Monday, February 13, 2012


In the new Star Trek, Spock had been emotional compromised which lead to poor decisions. That was me all day.

The gal who judged me after knowing me 2 days... 
upset me to such an extent I don't wanna see her face anymore.

A suppose friend had me all confused cuz he acts nice to get his way
and when I realize it, it's to late.

Another friend, one of my best friends
is moving out of state.

My other best friend
her gramps died, how do I help?

I'm so ridiculously frustrated, but mostly emotionally compromised to make poor decisions.

The gal who judged me after knowing me 2 days... 
I said some pretty blunt harsh things
I did mean, but should have
kept silent.

A suppose friend had me all confused cuz he acts nice to get his way
and I give in because my brain is foggy.
I mean, give in 

Another friend, one of my best friends
she is gonna be gone and all I 
wanna do is keep her 

My other best friend
she's heartbroken from a death so near to her
and I'm not sure how to bring her

I'm starting to feel lost. 
Lost in her drama. Lost in his lies. 
Lost in her parting. Lost in her heartache. 
I don't know what to do in any of it. 
No I do, I should
Ignore her drama. Fight his lies.
Let her go. Comfort her.

All of which I can't seem to find the strength in me for. To much as been happening all at once, and in 2 days all of it came barreling down on me heavy. And just the last straw hit, while I'm supposed to be laying in comfort in ones arms, I realized I wasn't comfortable at all. Reality settled down. All of it. None left standing. All the troubles, the pains, the frustrations and trials. I feel a bit trapped in a tornado that I can't stop from destroying feelings. And I don't really know what to do.
My comfort deceived me. 
My rock is moving. 
My light is flickering. 

The comfort is gone.
The rock soon will be.
but the light, she'll
always stay.
Flickering or not but...
I'm her rock.

I can't be a rock right now.
I am falling fast and.
crumbling to the 

So what do I do now???

Monday, February 6, 2012

... sad times happen...

Just feeling heavy. Weighed down, and this time the feeling is lasting longer than normal... I can't shake it... and I don't know what to do. ...

I'm missing "the one", not even knowing who he is.
I'm missing having someone to cuddle.
I'm missing having someone to share life with.
I'm missing running to someone when I'm sad.
I'm missing someone to twirl and smile to when they make me happy and my heart flutter.

I feel so weighed down with waiting.
Always waiting.

My heart feels heavy
so heavy.
so sad. 

I feel trapped
under the weight.

I can't breath
with this pressure.

I wanna cry
but can't.

Tears drown me
as I wait.

Always waiting.

To wait is inevitable...
so what do I do in the wait??