Sunday, May 1, 2011

iTs TiMe

In the scheme of life, whats really important?


Finding yourself?

As I've been going thru this healing process of life,
I realize my issue isnt what's important.

My issue is breakin free,
so I can get to what's important.

I've been held back by others for so long,
and I wanna be done..
I am done.
I've been cutting off relationships,
not forever,
but for now.
It's just time right?
Time to heal and turn off their voice inside my head.
Time to figure out myself away from them
Time to mess up without their judgement.
Time to be free.

Most of all,
Time to...
Unlock the doors I've kept shut.
Its time to be me for me.
The only way to do that is to allow my door to open,
for me to come pouring out.
And be bold, unafraid.

Its time.